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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Is there a way to see the detail of a running Sync Service task process (Sync Task, Auto Upload Task, etc) ?
 Is there a way to see the detail of a running Sync Service task process (Sync Task, Auto Upload Task, etc) ?
Solution Since Sync Service is designed to be used in the background, it doesn't offer a GUI to show files being processed. However, use the Logviewer you can see what is going on almost real time. While an AAU task is running open its log in the Logviewer (by clicking on the Task Log button in the Task Scheduler), and refresh the log by hitting F5, then you can see the most updated detail about the status of the task. Use this technique to make sure it is doing the right thing before you allow it to run unattended.

Article Details
Article ID: 120
Created On: 19 Oct 2006 06:05 AM

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