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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Your program connects to the my web site and I can view the files. However, when I try to upload a file I get a STOR command and the transfer starts, but no text about the bytes send/total, time, and so appears in the status line. Then after some time it
 Your program connects to the my web site and I can view the files. However, when I try to upload a file I get a STOR command and the transfer starts, but no text about the bytes send/total, time, and so appears in the status line. Then after some time it
Solution Check whether [Options | Firewall | Use PASV mode] is enabled. If not, enable it, reconnect and upload again. If it doesn't solve the problem, contact us at support@turboftp.com (Please attach relevant log in the email - right click in the log window and choose [Copy All] then paste it in your email).

Article Details
Article ID: 59
Created On: 30 Sep 2005 03:33 AM

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