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Support Center » Knowledgebase » TurboFTP Technical Questions » I am using the task scheduler to transfer files to multiple FTP sites, once it connects to the first site the software doesn't automatically disconnect from the site and continue to the next site!
 I am using the task scheduler to transfer files to multiple FTP sites, once it connects to the first site the software doesn't automatically disconnect from the site and continue to the next site!
Solution This can happened if you running schedule tasks with TurboFTP GUI program's built-in scheduler, where although it doesn't automatically disconnect the next sync task will still be launched timely, and the FTP site in the next sync task will then be connected. To force disconnecting from a site after a scheduled transfer is finished, use [Options | Events | On transfer complete | Disconnect from site].

But if you use Sync Service to run schedule tasks you won't have this problem since in Sync Service multiple tasks can run simultaneously and independently(unless you set up dependency between tasks).

Article Details
Article ID: 62
Created On: 30 Sep 2005 03:33 AM

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