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 I forget the super admin login credentials. What should I do?
Solution To restore to default super administrator credentials, please do the following (you need to have administrator privilege):

1. Stop TurboFTP Server Service Daemon. To do so, in TurboFTP Server Management Console, use [Tools | Local Service Manager | Stop Service].
2. Open the tbssvc.ini file under TurboFTP Server installation directory, and remove the line starting with 'admin='. And save the file.
3. In TurboFTP Server Management Console, use [Tools | Local Service Manager | Start Service] to start the TurboFTP Server Service Daemon.

You now can log in with TurboFTP Server Management Console using the default administrator credentials admin/admin. You can then change the password in [Server | Admins] tab.

Article Details
Article ID: 129
Created On: 11 Aug 2009 01:27 AM

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