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Support Center » Knowledgebase » TurboFTP Technical Questions » How to back up the program configuration files (scheduled tasks, address book, etc) and restore them (e.g. when migrating the program to another machine)?
 How to back up the program configuration files (scheduled tasks, address book, etc) and restore them (e.g. when migrating the program to another machine)?
Solution Please back up everything under [Options | General | Program data path].

The following explains each of these files:
1. turboftp.ini global settings.
2. schedule.dat stores the schedule tasks information.
3. addrbk.dat stores the address book information.
4. cred.dat stores the creditials info for accessing network share.

After installing a new copy of TurboFTP:

1. Launch it once and set the same 'Program data path' under [Options | General]. Exit the program.
2. Copy the backup files into the 'Program data path', replacing any files with the same name.
3. Restart the program.

Article Details
Article ID: 150
Created On: 05 Aug 2012 12:43 PM

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