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Support Center » Knowledgebase » TurboFTP Technical Questions » What is the purpose of saving and loading a queue/session file?
 What is the purpose of saving and loading a queue/session file?
Solution A queue/session file is simply used to hold a group of files to transfer, and the source and destination. You save the queue to a queue file (.tbx file) using menu [Session | Save queue]. After that you can load the queue file any time to restore the content in the transfer queue and transfer those files again. You can load a queue file using the menu command or by simple drag and drop or by feeding it at the command line (see help document section 'Other information|Command line options' on how to use the command line options). Queue is useful when you need to transfer (download or upload) a certain group of files regularly (see our topic Scheduled File Transfer with TurboFTP http://www.turboftp.com/schedule-file-transfer.html).

The queue file (.tbx file) is in human readable text format and you can create and modify it manually with a text editor. It can of course be generated programmatically (due the its easy-to-understand format) and, combined with the command line options of TurboFTP, can be used for dynamically changing transfer needs. The tbx format is documented in Help|Other information|Session(tbx) file format.

Article Details
Article ID: 31
Created On: 30 Sep 2005 03:33 AM

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