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Support Center » Knowledgebase » TurboFTP Technical Questions » My computer's system clock was set back and after that TurboFTP won't start and it says it detects the clock has been put backward.
 My computer's system clock was set back and after that TurboFTP won't start and it says it detects the clock has been put backward.
Solution The program has built-in clock-back detection system to ensure that the system clock hasn't been set back in an attempt to bypass the program's license restrictions. If the user sets the clock to a date earlier than the present, it will not let the program run until the date is set to the present again. In case of triggering the clock-back detection system by accident, which is possible, please contact us for a special key to unlock the blocking. If you are a registered user and has a valid license key code you just have to start TurboFTP in command line as:

turboftp -REGISTER

and you will be given the chance to enter your key code to get the program registered again.

Article Details
Article ID: 42
Created On: 30 Sep 2005 03:33 AM

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