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Support Center » Knowledgebase » TurboFTP Sync Service Questions » I am running Sync Service as NT service and have a synchronization task scheduled, but it never fires and I don't see any log messages or error reports.. what am I missing?
 I am running Sync Service as NT service and have a synchronization task scheduled, but it never fires and I don't see any log messages or error reports.. what am I missing?
Solution First make sure [Options | General | Store program settings in turboftp.ini] is checked. See the NT event log to verify whether the NT service is started. And then check in event log whether the individual schedule task is subsequently started, if no try restarting the service and reenabling the scheduler (these can be done in the scheduler dialog). Note that if your evaluation period has already expired the Sync Service will not start and you will see the expiration error in NT event log.

If all the above are true, check the individual task log. To do so, open up the Task Scheduler dialog, highlight the task in question, and press the button 'Task Log' which brings up the log of this task. Look for the log entries whose timestamp matches the time the task is set up to run so that you are viewing the correct log contents. Please forward us (support@turboftp.com) the log and it will help us to look into the problem.

Article Details
Article ID: 68
Created On: 30 Sep 2005 03:33 AM

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