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Support Center » Knowledgebase » TurboFTP Technical Questions » How can I use TurboFTP and its Sync Service module (tftpsvc.exe) with command line options in my own folder?
 How can I use TurboFTP and its Sync Service module (tftpsvc.exe) with command line options in my own folder?
Solution If you are making connection to a secure FTP server (e.g. with SSL support), you can't specify the username/password in the command line, rather it is required to store the site profile including logon account in the Address Book. For example you are trying to use TurboFTP to FTP a file from your PC to a remote server via a VB.NET application. The application uses a System.Diagnostics.Process object to initiate the transfer, passing in a command line as its arguments. The transfer needs to be via an implicit SSL connection (port 990). The command line looks like this.

"/cl -w -e3 LocalFilePath ftp://RemoteServerLocation:990/"

where LocalFilePath is the file's location on your PC and RemoteServerLocation is the IP address of the server to which you are trying to send it.

To make this work, you have to do the following:
- Add a site to the TurboFTP Address Book with the same address as my destination server (with password, username and port, etc specified).
- Copy tbftpsvc.exe, turboftp.ini and turboftp.exe to your application folder.
- Make sure your program settings are correct. Open the copied turboftp.exe and go to Options | General , make sure "Store program settings in turboftp.ini" is checked and Address Book Path points to your application dir.
- You can use -log option in the command line to specify the log path so that you can have the log for debugging.

Article Details
Article ID: 97
Created On: 22 Jan 2006 11:36 PM

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