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Support Center » Knowledgebase » TurboFTP Sync Service Questions » I have set up the credentials for accessing network share in my task settings but I can't log into the FTP server.
 I have set up the credentials for accessing network share in my task settings but I can't log into the FTP server.
Solution You need to distinguish the difference between logon credentials for accessing a network share and the logon account of remote ftp server. The credential for network share is normally the user/password you use to log onto the local machine running TurboFTP, stored in Tools | Credentials for Sync Service. The logon account for ftp server is stored in Address Book.

Make sure you don't have deplicate entries (site profile) in Address Book that have the same server address. The cause of failed logon on FTP server is that the logon account store in Address Book which Sync Service uses to log into FTP server is not correctly set up.

Article Details
Article ID: 98
Created On: 25 Jan 2006 02:40 AM

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