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Support Center » Knowledgebase » After enabling E-mail notification I get the following error - "Error sending notification Email. Protocol error reply: '503.5.5.2 SendHello First.'"
 After enabling E-mail notification I get the following error - "Error sending notification Email. Protocol error reply: '503.5.5.2 SendHello First.'"
Solution The email server error message means that your server doesn't allow the process to continue with an invalid domain. When requesting the email server to send notification email, TurboFTP or TurboFTP Sync Service will send a HELO command with your computer's domain name. Now the email server doesn't think the domain it is sending is valid. Please check if you have enabled DNS in TCP/IP properties of your network configuration. Otherwise you may check the computer name, under Network properties, if it is a legitimate one.

Article Details
Article ID: 89
Created On: 02 Nov 2005 01:46 AM

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