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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Can I create an archive in such a way that it can be shared across more than one disk?
 Can I create an archive in such a way that it can be shared across more than one disk?
Solution Yes! Anyzip supports the creation of archive files in order to ensure that the resultant files can be stored on more than one disk, if the overall size of the archive is larger than the capacity of the disk. In order to use this facility, create an archive file on a disk (such as a floppy disk) and add files to it, after selecting the Split to Volumes option while creating a new archive (http://www.anyzip.com/zip-manual/newarch.html ). When you do so, Anyzip will prompt you to enter a new disk when the one in the drive is full.

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Article ID: 76
Created On: 30 Sep 2005 03:33 AM

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